Monday, August 15, 2005


  1. An Indian conceives, designs, and makes the art or craft...Then, it is an *Indian Product*;
  2. An Indian produces a product that is *handcrafted*, as explained in 309.3(d)(iii)...Then, it can be marketed as such and it meets the definition of *Indian product*.;
  3. An Indian makes an art or craft work using some machine made parts....Then, it is *Indian made* and meets the definition of *Indian product."


  1. An Indian designs a product, such as a bracelet, which is then produced by non-Indians...Then, it is not an *Indian product* under the Act;
  2. A product, such as jewelry, is made with non-artistic Indian labor, from assembled or *fit together parts*...Then, it is not an *Indian product* under the Act;
  3. A product in the style of an Indian product is assembled by non-Indian labor from a kit...Then, it is not an *Indian product* under the Act;
  4. A product is in the style of an Indian art or craft product, but not made by an Indian...Then, it is not an *Indian product* under the Act;
  5. An Indian and a non-Indian jointly undertake the art or craft work to produce an art or craft product, for example a concho belt...Then, less than all the labor is Indian and hence it does not meet the definition of *Indian product* under the Act.