Ruffled feathers
Sale of eagle feathers is against the law
By ELOISE OGDEN, Regional Editor,
POSTED: July 26, 2008
Eloise Ogden/MDN
Eagles, whether in the wild or like this bald eagle in Minot's Roosevelt Park Zoo, are protected by federal laws.
When an e-mail recently circulated advertising a genuine eagle feather warbonnet for sale, the notice instantly signaled a red flag to officials from the Three Affiliated Tribes' Game and Fish.
They checked it out and contacted the party, letting them know what they were doing is illegal.
"The most important thing is that whether it is an eagle feather plume or any type of eagle feather, it is against the law to sell them," said Vonnie Alberts, New Town, press secretary for the Three Affiliated Tribes on the Fort Berthold Reservation."Game and Fish has done a good job of intervening and letting people locally